Best Divorce Investigation

Divorce Investigation

Divorce case Investigation is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. When you are in the mindset of a divorce, you may experience intense feelings with many other legal complications. There can be many reasons of getting divorced and some of them are as follows:

  • Lack of intimacy
  • Addictions
  • Lack of communication
  • Getting married at an early age
  • Getting married for the wrong reasons
  • Abuse
  • Money
  • Lack of equality and loss of identity

Maintenance refers to an amount which a husband is obliged to pay to his wife either upon Divorce under certain conditions. Divorce is a big step for both husband and wife and it can include many complications. In India, husband and wife can only file for divorce only after completion of one year of marriage. There are many other procedures that are needed to be followed.
Divorce Maintenance is all about getting the Financial Support from the husband’s side to his wife for her living expenses during separation or after divorce. As per court law, husband needs to pay to his wife for all her expenses when they are getting divorced. There are many wives who are dependent on their husband’s income for their survival and at the time of divorce, the Amount of Maintenance is decided by the court depending upon the monthly income of both husband and wife, if wife is earning and husband’s financial status among other things.

How Investigation Can Help You To Deal With Divorce And Maintenance Cases?

Divorces are very complicated as well as very sensitive and sometimes can be dangerous depending on the nature of one’s Divorce Investigation. When it comes to legal proceedings, it is very common and necessary to gather evidence to prove your case and make it stronger. A spouse may sometimes attempt to hide many assets in an effort to avoid separation or not to provide any kind of Maintenance Amount to his wife. In such cases, Investigation plays an important role in finding many other Hidden Points and can make your case stronger.
There are many reasons that why Investigation is necessary to deal with Divorce and Maintenance Cases and some of the important points are as follows:

  • Private Detective and Investigation can help you in the Maintenance Case filed by your wife. Under Section 125 of The Code of Criminal Procedure (IPC), 1973, the Maintenance given to a wife cannot be rejected on the ground that she is earning. Divorce Cases are sometimes very stressful and complicated and to deal with it is not that easy for every individual, but an Investigation can help you solving many issues in many cases. Many times spouses might start hiding many things as well as activities that might threaten you in future.
  • Under Hindu Marriage Act, 1995, both the husband and wife are legally entitled to claim permanent alimony and Maintenance. A Private Detective can help you in many ways when it comes in Maintenance Case filed in Court by providing you many kind of information and Court Laws without which may be able to be very favourable for you case.
  • Investigation can be very helpful in cases involving a spouse being abused. Any kind of evidence can be very helpful to prove this and our Detectives are Best at finding all the hidden information. Private Investigators help in a critical area of gathering any kind of information and can help you from any kind of Fraud from the opposite party.
  • Investigation is also very helpful in case of Child Custody. A Private Detective can provide you a sense of well-being by offering liaison between one parent and the child’s life. To ensure the security of your child is very important. Having an Investigation will also ensure that your child is safe or not with the opposite party. At the time of Investigation, an Investigator looks for many things or bad activities of the parent such as alcohol, abuse, criminal activity, reckless driving, drug abuse and other activities which can have a negative impact to the child.
  • According to the Special Marriage Act, 1954 recognizes Adultery and states that if the respondent has after the solemnization of the marriage, has voluntary sexual intercourse with any other person other than his or her partner, it is a valid ground for divorce. This is very important to prove that the spouse is cheating on her or his partner and to confirm this Private Investigator plays an important role. Many times an Investigation is needed to provide the Evidence that can make your case stronger.

Best Investigators in Divorce

Here we can offer the Best Professional Detective who are Trustworthy, Well-Experienced and are committed to their work. They can provide you the Best Results without any kind of complications. Currently the Divorce Cases has been increased because of the lack of Reliability and Trust between the partners and in some cases Divorce and Maintenance Cases can be very complicated and stressful. For this our team of well-experienced Investigators can provide you many kinds of Hidden Information and Court Laws that will be very helpful for you and your case.
Our group of Investigation Officers is always alert of find out any kind of information or truth behind the target person awkward as well as bad activities. We can provide you the Most Affordable Rates of hiring the Investigators for your Divorce and Maintenance Cases. Now you don’t need to worry about the confidentiality of the case. Our Investigators would never make him or her to know that he or she is being on our radar and hence we prepare the analysis report about the opposite party. Our team provides the Latest Technology Devices including lapel mics, video and audio recorders, cameras as well as scanners and many other things which help our Investigators to find the Hidden Truth and Information about the opposite party with evidence that can be very useful for you and your case.

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